Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week 37 - Two of Muses

How committed am I to my art?  That's what the Two of Muses is asking me. I of course want to reply - I'm very committed. As I deeply reflect on this question I can name a number of reasons that I could answer not enough. In truth I'm somewhere in-between.

Many times I'm quite committed. But there are other times I let silly little things get in the way. Facebook, video game, some TV program that turned out to be not that good.

I need to better schedule my time. I need to prioritize. When I do these things and I get done what I've planned, Facebook or anything else I do is okay diversion. It's alright to allow myself to do even fluff stuff if I am otherwise being as committed to my writing as I've pledged myself to be.

Carve out time to write in evenings and weekends. If I faithfully do this - and make efficient use of that time, then I can achieve what I want to with my writing. The first step is being honest with myself about my time commitment. My second, is to be realistic about my goals. If I am planning to complete an 80 page manuscript, I can't do it in 6 month is I write hit and miss maybe to days a week.

It's time for me to reevaluate my writing schedule.

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